I grew up at the Mount and consider myself a true local. I always had a passion for construction and building, even as a kid. After completing an apprenticeship and qualifying in NZ, l headed to London for the traditional OE experience. Working on high-end homes in London created a passion for wanting to go above and beyond in detailing, ensuring the best end result was achieved. Striving for perfection became ingrained. Working with Aaron and Pete over the years led to me becoming part-owner of newly formed Thorne Group building company on returning to the BOP. I believe it is key to look at job from both a macro and a micro perspective, ultimately creating the finish the client is wanting to achieve. My passion is to find solutions to challenging details. l love nothing better to figuring out a problem and coming up with an amazing result that creates the ultimate ‘wow’ factor. I live at the Mount with my wife Karlie and two kids. My other huge passion is fishing, fishing and more fishing.