For over 30 years Guild & Spence Electrical have been leaders in the Bay...
The success of the company is due to the hard work put in by its dedicated staff members and is unique in the way that it is owned solely by long serving and senior staff members. This combination provides a company with a family feel to it, who always have the customers best interests at heart.
What goes into an average* 3 bedroom Thorne Group house? 43 x Light Outlets 17 x double power point 7 x single power outlets 35 x 11w LED 2 x LED Battens 3 x exterior LED Full electrical breakdown provided on request What are the benefits to LED lighting? 1. Long life 2. Energy Efficiency 3. Ecologically friendly 4. Durable Quality 5. Zero UV Emissions 6. Design Flexibility 7. Operational in extreme temperatures 8. More efficient light dispersement 9. The lifetime is not effected by frequent usage 10. Low-voltage We use Excel Life by Legrand. We also install fibre ready home hubs and smart metering so no more visits from the meter reader or retro fitting fibre as an external cable in the future.
EXCEL LIFE SWITCHGEAR (or equivalent) Miniaturising Technology - Gone are some of the bulky mechanisms of the past Excel Life features sleek and streamlined mechanisms. Modularity - Make unique combinations of different switch plates (please note there is a cost variation for coloured face plates). Power points (white only) have a spare function hole to enable future proofing for extra mechanisms to be slotted in if required. Environmental Awareness - The environmental footprint of Excel Life product is smaller than any similar product on the market. Innovation - New function for customised, intelligent building management. Making devices, easier to install, more comfortable and more ergonomic by offering products and solutions that can function within systems.
*Plan specific